osx - How to dynamically target the different FileMaker applications -

i'm writing system-wide service accept selected text , various searches in our internal filemaker database.

i've written works fine on dev machine, filemaker exists "filemaker pro advanced". can't work on others machines non-developer version of filemaker ("filemaker pro") installed.

the issue when script runs in 1 of client machines, "where foo" dialog (i'd say) because of "using terms" line, , don't want that. possible target filemaker can compile script , run on clients ?

here's have :

on run {input, parameters}     set _target null      try         tell application "finder" name of application "filemaker pro advanced"          set _target application "filemaker pro advanced"     end try     if _target null         try             tell application "finder" name of application "filemaker pro"              set _target application "filemaker pro"         end try     end if     if _target null         display alert "filemaker cannot found"         return     end if      using terms of "filemaker pro advanced"         tell _target             -- script goes here         end tell     end using terms of end run 

if can expect end user's installation of filemaker in standard place, following should work:

set _fmpa "/applications/filemaker/filemaker pro advanced.app" set _fmp "/applications/filemaker/filemaker pro.app"  try     tell application _fmpa launch     set _target _fmpa end try  try     tell application _fmp launch     set _target _fmp end try  tell application _target     ... end tell 


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