Can not replace the content of a csv file in Go -

i have created csv file (assume "output.csv") using os.openfile flags, os.create , os.rdwr. i'm doing series of operations on file. in every iteration, need rewrite contents of csv file ("output.csv"). code appends csv file.

before each rewrite, truncate file , seek beginning. example:

package main  import (     "fmt"     "os" )  func main() {     if f, err := os.create("test.csv"); err == nil {         defer f.close()         n := 10; n > 0; n-- {             f.truncate(0) // comment or uncomment   , 0)  // these lines see difference             := 0; < n; i++ {                 f.writestring(fmt.sprintf("%d\n", i))             }         }     } else {         fmt.println(err)     } } 


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