ios - NSDateComponentsFormatter Units Separator -

i want convert time in minutes user friendly string. following code resolves issue, except 1 thing - want result 1 hr 30 min, got 1 hr, 30 min. how specify units separator nsdatecomponentsformatter? of course, can remove commas manually, isn't looks best way me.

    nsdatecomponentsformatter *formatter = [[nsdatecomponentsformatter alloc] init];     formatter.allowedunits = nscalendarunitday | nscalendarunithour | nscalendarunitminute;     formatter.unitsstyle = nsdatecomponentsformatterunitsstyleshort;      nslog(@"%@", [formatter stringfromtimeinterval:90*60]); 

if application targeting os x 10.12 (or later, presume) or ios 10.10 (or later), apple added new units style called "nsdatecomponentsformatterunitsstylebrief"

formatter.unitsstyle = nsdatecomponentsformatterunitsstylebrief 

and print out "1 hr 30 min"


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