- Parse image resolutions for ios -

whats effective way of dealing different image resolutions in parse different ios devices?

for instance

  1. would better have 1 image in parse @ highest res , download every device? (slower download speeds lower res devices)

  2. have 1x 2x , 3x versions of image in parse , download relevant device. (takes more storage space on parse)

  3. run cloud code on parse resize images correct resolution downloaded devices. (possible slower download speed devices?)

any other options can think of welcome.


i depends on usage case. example, if have profile picture, recommend uploading in 2-3 versions, pictures may downloaded (for example in social networking app have profile pictures in posts, user profiles, messages, etc.). when picture downloaded high amount of times, rather download smaller 1 minimise download time , save parse data transfer resources.

on other hand, pictures aren't downloaded other ones, i'd recommend storing them in high-res format, , scaling them down (if necessary) downloaded. take example again social networking app. post contains profile picture (which downloaded quite often) , actual post (a photo in case). actual post photo downloaded single time (ideally), there should no reason worry download speed.

basically (and that's way handle this), should try cache every image. images can cached , don't have retrieved can stored in single high-res format (saving data space on parse). images cannot cached or have refreshed quite often, should stored in different sizes, will, in end, save data transfer. small amount of storage not have impact, honest, if store them in scaled down sizes.


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