Android ViewFlipper animating only the first URL image -

i have android activity viewflipper. picks images url , displays in layout. supposed animate though images. however, animates first url image , keeps repeating. not display other images. below code:

public class dynamicviewflipper extends activity {

/**  * list of image url populate viewflipper  */ private list<string> imageurls = arrays.aslist(new string[] {          "",         "",          "",         ""});     private int index = 0;  private textview mtextview;  private viewflipper mviewflipper;  private button mnextbutton;  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_view_flipper);     mtextview = (textview) findviewbyid(;     mviewflipper = (viewflipper) findviewbyid(;               imageview image = new imageview(getapplicationcontext());             urlimageviewhelper.seturldrawable(image, getnextimage(), r.drawable.loading);             mtextview.settext("showing: " + index);             mviewflipper.addview(image);             mviewflipper.shownext();             mviewflipper.setautostart(true);             mviewflipper.setflipinterval(2000);             mviewflipper.startflipping();      mviewflipper.setinanimation(animationutils.loadanimation(getapplicationcontext(), android.r.anim.slide_in_left));     mviewflipper.setoutanimation(animationutils.loadanimation(getapplicationcontext(), android.r.anim.slide_out_right)); }  protected string getnextimage() {     if (index == imageurls.size())         index = 0;     return imageurls.get(index++); } 


you should have that:

for(string url: imageurls){    imageview image = new imageview(getapplicationcontext());     urlimageviewhelper.seturldrawable(image, url,r.drawable.loading);    mviewflipper.addview(image); }  mviewflipper.setautostart(true); mviewflipper.setflipinterval(2000); mviewflipper.startflipping(); 


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