meteor - How do I use {{#autoForm}} for each individual element of [Object] array? -

i similar question: meteor: custom autoform array of objects

which say, want manually layout each field within every element of array.

the difference is, still want use afarrayfield default template, including buttons add , remove array items. want pass own layout afarrayfield. how do that?

if did not make myself clear, please request clarification , i'll rephrase.

what need create custom template (doc :

you can (not tested) :

<template name="your_template">     {{# autoform [...]}}         [...]         {{> afquickfield name="players" template="custom_players"}}         [...]     {{/autoform}} </template>  <template name="afarrayfield_custom_players">     custom template players field </template> 

you can take default afarrayfield template inspire :


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