php - How to run Behat tests when there are errors of level E_USER_DEPRECATED -

i have symfony 2.7 form type causing errors of level e_user_deprecated. errors not come own code vendor/symfony/symfony/src/symfony/bridge/doctrine/form/type/doctrinetype.php.

in dev mode using web browser, can access page using said form fine. wdt show me deprecated messages form work, page returned status 200.

using behat 3 (with behat\symfony2extension\driver\kerneldriver , behat\mink\driver\browserkitdriver), request same url returns status 500 server error. stack trace in response shows deprecated errors causing exception.

my behat configuration plain described in

when define('behat_error_reporting', 0); on top of featurecontext.php file suggested there no change in behaviour.

after code scanning, guess constant behat_error_reporting removed in behat 3 , runtimecallhandler::errorreportinglevel used instead.

yet have no idea how configure or set runtimecallhandler::errorreportinglevel.

so got it. file gave me required hint:

to required integer, used php -r "echo e_all & ~e_user_deprecated;" yielded 16383. put behat.yml:

    calls:         error_reporting: 16383 

after behat did not break, did show ugly exception-traces. put call error_reporting in featurecontext.php, right before class definition:

error_reporting(error_reporting() & ~e_user_deprecated); 

now behat ignores errors of level e_user_deprecated , guess keep way until start using symfony 3.


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