c++ - My program gives segmentation fault in openSUSE -

i have laptop in i've installed opensuse 13.2 month ago. when try run c++ program print shortest path, segmentation fault. on other hand, code works on computer on ubuntu installed.

here output in ubuntu...

rohan@symantha:~/dropbox/cprog/arrayss/2d$ uname -a linux symantha 3.13.0-53-generic #89-ubuntu smp wed may 20 10:34:28 utc 2015 i686 i686 i686 gnu/linux rohan@symantha:~/dropbox/cprog/arrayss/2d$ g++ 16.cpp  rohan@symantha:~/dropbox/cprog/arrayss/2d$ ./a.out  enter total rows : 4 enter total cols : 4 enter array -> 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 input ok .. enter source row: 0 enter source col: 0 enter destination row: 3 enter destination col: 3 shortest path -->> path :  (0, 0) ->  (1, 0) ->  (1, 1) ->  (1, 2) ->  (2, 2) ->  (3, 2) ->  (3, 3)  

but in opensuse, this...

rohan@linux-zdor:~/dropbox/cprog/arrayss/2d> uname -a linux linux-zdor.site 3.16.7-21-desktop #1 smp preempt tue apr 14 07:11:37 utc 2015 (93c1539) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 gnu/linux rohan@linux-zdor:~/dropbox/cprog/arrayss/2d> g++ 16.cpp  rohan@linux-zdor:~/dropbox/cprog/arrayss/2d> ./a.out  enter total rows : 4 enter total cols : 4 enter array -> 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 input ok .. enter source row: 0 enter source col: 0 enter destination row: 3 enter destination col: 3 shortest path -->> segmentation fault 

can tell me wrong code? here code:


#include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> using namespace std;  #define maxrow 10 #define maxcol 10  class cell { public:   int row;   int col;   cell() { }   cell(int rr, int cc) : row(rr), col(cc) { }   bool operator==(const cell& cc) {     if(row == cc.row && col == cc.col)       return true;     else        return false;   } };  class path {   int row[maxrow*maxrow];   int col[maxcol*maxcol];   int size; public:   path() : size(0) { }   path(path& pp) {     size = pp.size;     for(int = 0; < size; i++) {       row[i] = pp.row[i];       col[i] = pp.col[i];     }   }   path& operator=(const path& pp) {     size = pp.size;     for(int = 0; < size; i++) {       row[i] = pp.row[i];       col[i] = pp.col[i];     }   }   int length() {     return size;   }   void setsize(int ss) {     size = ss;   }   void insert(int rr, int cc) {     row[size] = rr;     col[size] = cc;     size++;   }   void print() {     int = 0;     cout << "path : ";     while(i < size) {       cout << " (" << row[i] << ", "            << col[i] << ") ";       if(i < size-1)         cout << "-> ";       i++;     }     cout << endl;   }   bool searchcell(cell c) {     int = 0;     while(i < size) {         if(row[i] == c.row && col[i] == c.col)         return true;       i++;     }     return false;   }   cell start() {     return cell(row[0], col[0]);   }   cell end() {     if(size > 0)       return cell(row[size-1], col[size-1]);     else       return cell(-1, -1);   } };   path shortestpath(int arr[][maxcol], int, int, cell, cell, path); void inputarr(int arr[][maxcol], int mr, int mc);   int main() {   int arr[10][10], mr, mc, r, c;   path p;   cout << "enter total rows : ";   cin >> mr;   cout << "enter total cols : ";   cin >> mc;   cout << "enter array ->\n";   inputarr(arr, mr, mc);   cout << "input ok ..\n";   cout << "enter source row: ";   cin >> r;   cout << "enter source col: ";   cin >> c;   cell source(r, c);   cout << "enter destination row: ";   cin >> r;   cout << "enter destination col: ";   cin >> c;   cell destination(r, c);   cout << "shortest path -->>\n";   p = shortestpath(arr, mr, mc, source, destination, p);     p.print();   return 0; }  path shortestpath(int arr[][maxcol], int mr, int mc, cell current, cell target, path p) {   int = current.row;   int j = current.col;   path p_array[4];   if(arr[i][j] == 0 || == mr || j == mc || < 0 || j < 0       || p.searchcell(current)) {     p.setsize(0);     return p;   }   p.insert(i, j);   if(i == target.row  &&  j == target.col)      return p;     else {     // since there 4 possible directions     p_array[0] = shortestpath(arr, mr, mc, cell(i, j+1), target, p);     p_array[1] = shortestpath(arr, mr, mc, cell(i+1, j), target, p);     p_array[2] = shortestpath(arr, mr, mc, cell(i, j-1), target, p);     p_array[3] = shortestpath(arr, mr, mc, cell(i-1, j), target, p);     int minindex, minsize, i;     for(i = 0; < 4; i++) {       if(p_array[i].length() != 0 && p_array[i].end() == target ) {         minindex = i;         minsize = p_array[i].length();         break;       }     }         for(i = 0; < 4; i++) {       if(p_array[i].length() < minsize && p_array[i].end() == target) {         minindex = i;         minsize = p_array[i].length();       }     }     return p_array[minindex];   } }  void inputarr(int arr[][maxcol], int mr, int mc) {   int i, j;   for(i = 0; < mr; i++)     for(j = 0; j < mc; j++)       cin >> arr[i][j]; } 

you have validation mis-ordered in shortestpath function:

if (arr[i][j] == 0 || == mr || j == mc || < 0 || j < 0      || p.searchcell(current)) { 

you access array out of bounds before checking whether bounds valid. undefined behaviour, , different systems can behave differently in presence of undefined behaviour (so crash , appearing work both valid responses invoking undefined behaviour).

rewrite condition check indices ok before accessing array.

if (i == mr || j == mc || < 0 || j < 0 || arr[i][j] == 0     || p.searchcell(current)) { 

this may not problem; 1 problem.

when take code verbatim question , compile it, compilation warnings (errors since use -werror convert warnings errors).

$ g++ -o3 -g -std=c++11 -wall -wextra -werror 16.cpp -o 16 16.cpp: in member function ‘path& path::operator=(const path&)’: 16.cpp:41:3: error: no return statement in function returning non-void [-werror=return-type]    }    ^ 16.cpp: in function ‘path shortestpath(int (*)[10], int, int, cell, cell, path)’: 16.cpp:143:40: error: ‘minsize’ may used uninitialized in function [-werror=maybe-uninitialized]        if(p_array[i].length() < minsize && p_array[i].end() == target) {                                         ^ 16.cpp:29:15: error: ‘minindex’ may used uninitialized in function [-werror=maybe-uninitialized]      size = pp.size;                ^ 16.cpp:134:9: note: ‘minindex’ declared here      int minindex, minsize, i;          ^ cc1plus: warnings being treated errors $ 

those serious problems , may account code going haywire. certainly, need fix before worth doing else.

i note have:

class path {     int row[maxrow*maxrow];     int col[maxcol*maxcol]; 

at moment, maxrow == maxcol there same number of elements in row , col, if numbers different, might not able store members of path in 1 or other of 2 arrays. not good. arrays should same size unconditionally. also, in main(), define:

 int arr[10][10], … 

which should, of course, be:

int arr[maxrow][maxcol], … 

with minimal fixups, setting minindex = -1 , minsize = -1 in shortestpath(), , adding return *this; assignment operator, , adding diagnostic printing @ end of shortestpath():

path shortestpath(int arr[][maxcol], int mr, int mc, cell current, cell target, path p) {   int = current.row;   int j = current.col;   path p_array[4];   cerr << "-->> shortestpath(" << << "," << j << ")\n";   //if(arr[i][j] == 0 || == mr || j == mc || < 0 || j < 0   if (i == mr || j == mc || < 0 || j < 0 || arr[i][j] == 0 || p.searchcell(current)) {     p.setsize(0);     cerr << "<<-- shortestpath() - 1\n";     return p;   }   p.insert(i, j);   if (i == target.row && j == target.col)   {     cerr << "<<-- shortestpath() - 2\n";     return p;   }   else {     // since there 4 possible directions     p_array[0] = shortestpath(arr, mr, mc, cell(i, j+1), target, p);     p_array[1] = shortestpath(arr, mr, mc, cell(i+1, j), target, p);     p_array[2] = shortestpath(arr, mr, mc, cell(i, j-1), target, p);     p_array[3] = shortestpath(arr, mr, mc, cell(i-1, j), target, p);     int minindex = -1, minsize = -1, i;     for(i = 0; < 4; i++) {       if(p_array[i].length() != 0 && p_array[i].end() == target ) {         minindex = i;         minsize = p_array[i].length();         cerr << "1: minindex: " << minindex << ", minsize: " << minsize << "\n";         break;       }     }     for(i = 0; < 4; i++) {       if(p_array[i].length() < minsize && p_array[i].end() == target) {         minindex = i;         minsize = p_array[i].length();         cerr << "2: minindex: " << minindex << ", minsize: " << minsize << "\n";       }     }     cerr << "3: minindex: " << minindex << "\n";     cerr << "<<-- shortestpath() - 3\n";     return p_array[minindex];   } } 

and running it, part of output is:

-->> shortestpath(2,0) <<-- shortestpath() - 1 3: minindex: -1 <<-- shortestpath() - 3 

oops: accessing , returning p_array[-1] not idea. have subscripts out of control — small wonder things go haywire. need meditate on code not setting minindex value other -1 , it.


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