RemovedInDjango19Warning when using django-polymorphic -

i started use django-polymorphic in project, based on django 1.8.1.

it works fine, following warning:

env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/contenttypes/ removedindjango19warning: model class django.contrib.contenttypes.models.contenttype doesn't declare explicit app_label , either isn't in application in installed_apps or else imported before application loaded. no longer supported in django 1.9.   class contenttype(models.model): 

i've plugged polymorphic this:

installed_apps = (     'polymorphic',     'django.contrib.contenttypes',     ...     'myapp1',     'myapp2', ) 

in myapp1/ have base model:

class mybasemodel(polymorphicmodel):     id = models.uuidfield(primary_key=true, default=uuid.uuid4)     # other fields 

and in myapp2/ have derived models:

from myapp1.models import mybasemodel   class myderivedmodel1(mybasemodel):     # fields   class myderivedmodel2(mybasemodel):     # other fields 

am doing wrong?

looks need put polymorphic after contenttypes in list of installed apps.


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