Open a local pdf file from Delphi Firemonkey Code for Android App -

this question has answer here:

note: delphi xe8, firemonkey app android 4.4.2

i trying open pdf document android app made firemonkey , open adobe acrobat, file doesn't, have found online in several webpages , have tried every 1 of them, no 1 works.

the error message

adobe can't find document open

but document in public folder, , have moved differents folder , nothing happend.

i have opened images other folders without problem, don't understand.

can give me solution please?.

procedure tform1.bttnabrirclick(sender: tobject); var nombrefichero, rutaraiz, ruta_fichero, ruta_fichero2    : string;  begin  // nombrefichero     := 'doc1.pdf';  //  rutaraiz          := 'file:///storage/emulated/0/tabletbigger/images/articulos'; //   rutaraiz          := '/storage/emulated/0/tabletbigger/images/articulos'; // rutaraiz          := '/storage/sdcard0/tabletbigger/images/articulos';         // en mi tablet //  ruta_fichero      := system.ioutils.tpath.combine(rutaraiz, nombrefichero); //  ruta_fichero      := system.ioutils.tpath.combine(system.ioutils.tpath.getdownloadspath, nombrefichero); // ruta_fichero      := system.ioutils.tpath.combine(system.ioutils.tpath.getshareddownloadspath, rutaraiz);    nombrefichero      := 'introduccion.pdf';   ruta_fichero2      := '/storage/emulated/0/tabletbigger/images/articulos/introduccion.pdf';   ruta_fichero       := system.ioutils.tpath.combine(system.ioutils.tpath.getpublicpath, nombrefichero);    showtext.text :=  ruta_fichero;    open(ruta_fichero);     // ruta_fichero :=  stringreplace(stringreplace( ruta_fichero, '\', '\\', [rfreplaceall]), '"', '\"', [rfreplaceall]) + '"';    //_system(pansichar('open ' + ansistring(ruta_fichero)))  end;   procedure : string); var   intent: jintent; begin  if fileexists(ruta_fichero) begin     intent := tjintent.create;     intent.setaction(tjintent.javaclass.action_view);     intent.setdataandtype(strtojuri(ruta_fichero), stringtojstring('application/pdf'));     intent.setflags(tjintent.javaclass.flag_activity_clear_top);     try       sharedactivity.startactivity(intent);     except      end;  end else   _messagedlg('el fichero no existe', mssinf);  end; 

¡solve !

the answer founded at: delphi open pdf ios/android local storage

by afzalali15.

i'll try upload whole code .

thanks anyway.


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