ruby on rails 4 - “Exact” phrase matching with wildcards + SOLR -

actually want exact matching 'b t patil' , have created following filed-type

<fieldtype name="text_name" class="solr.textfield" omitnorms="false">   <analyzer>      <tokenizer class="solr.whitespacetokenizerfactory"/>      <filter class="solr.worddelimiterfilterfactory" preserveoriginal="1" splitonnumerics="1" splitoncasechange="1" catenatewords="1"       catenatenumbers="1" catenateall="1" generatewordparts="1" generatenumberparts="1" stemenglishpossessive="1" />   </analyzer> </fieldtype> 

also text field , ngram filed applied on string. whenever entering b t patil query in field @ time returning me irrelevant results i.e returning me

 b t agrawal   jaykumar b. patil  bhaskar b. patil 

i expecting should return me b t patil or b.t.patil or b. t. patil results. need change tokenizer ?

you can try this. create field type exact match following

    <fieldtype name="text_exact" class="solr.textfield" positionincrementgap="100">       <analyzer type="index">         <tokenizer class="solr.keywordtokenizerfactory"/>         <filter class="solr.lowercasefilterfactory"/>       </analyzer>       <analyzer type="query">         <tokenizer class="solr.keywordtokenizerfactory"/>         <filter class="solr.lowercasefilterfactory"/>       </analyzer>     </fieldtype>   <dynamicfield name="*_exact" stored="false" type="text_exact" multivalued="true" indexed="true"/> 

boost field , phrase field comparatively text , text_name fields.

searchable    text :field1_exact, as: :field1_exact, default_boost: 5.0      field1    end     text :field1_name, as: :field1_name, default_boost: 3.0      field1    end end   fulltext 'b t patil'do     fields (field1_exact, field1_name, field1)     phrase_fields (field1_exact: 8, field1_name: 4, field1: 2)   end end 

give least priority ngram fields if any.


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