excel - How to Login to website using macro and fetch whole data html table -

i want make macro fetcher first login website fetch html table data. had fetched html table data website doesn't have login page got first page data in excel sheet. need pages data of table first login webpage. here code html table data website.

sub macro1() ' ' macro1 macro '     activesheet.querytables.add(connection:= _         "url;https://datatables.net/examples/basic_init/alt_pagination.html" _         , destination:=range("$a$1"))         .name = "alt_pagination.html"         .fieldnames = true         .rownumbers = false         .filladjacentformulas = false         .preserveformatting = true         .refreshonfileopen = false         .backgroundquery = true         .refreshstyle = xlinsertdeletecells         .savepassword = false         .savedata = true         .adjustcolumnwidth = true         .refreshperiod = 0         .webselectiontype = xlselectedtables         .webformatting = xlwebformattingnone         .webpreformattedtexttocolumns = true         .webconsecutivedelimitersasone = true         .websingleblocktextimport = false         .webdisabledaterecognition = false         .webdisableredirections = false         .refresh backgroundquery:=false     end     activewindow.smallscroll down:=-36 end sub 

i have done separately.first macro login website through ie , second whole html table data.

     sub login()                 set ie = createobject("internetexplorer.application")             ie.visible = true            ie.navigate ("https://www.facebook.com/?id=" & activecell) 'enter website url                             if ie.readystate = 4                     ie.visible = true                     exit                 else                     doevents                 end if             loop             ie.document.forms(0).all("opername").value = "myuser" 'enter username             ie.document.forms(0).all("password").value = "mypass" 'enter password             ie.document.forms(0).submit                 end         end sub  sub macro1()   activesheet.querytables.add(connection:= _         "url;https://datatables.net/examples/basic_init/alt_pagination.html" _         , destination:=range("$a$1"))         .name = "alt_pagination.html"         .fieldnames = true         .rownumbers = false         .filladjacentformulas = false         .preserveformatting = true         .refreshonfileopen = false         .backgroundquery = true         .refreshstyle = xlinsertdeletecells         .savepassword = false         .savedata = true         .adjustcolumnwidth = true         .refreshperiod = 0         .webselectiontype = xlselectedtables         .webformatting = xlwebformattingnone         .webpreformattedtexttocolumns = true         .webconsecutivedelimitersasone = true         .websingleblocktextimport = false         .webdisabledaterecognition = false         .webdisableredirections = false         .refresh backgroundquery:=false     end end sub 


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