svn - keeping local changes in git -

i know seems have multiple duplicates there no real solution mentioned anywhere.

let's put real world example:

for testing, i've load model in application 25 times day. i'm getting messagebox model isn't created newest version of our software every time load it. know in local copy outcomment check faster testing. of course don't want push change, keep locally on next few months or while updating , adding new functionality project every day. want same thing different files in different situations, process should easy , fast.

i've read stashing, far it, means:

  • stash (means save) changes
  • bring working copy state differs in want push
  • commit , push changes
  • restore working copy previous state reloading stashed changes (stash pop)

this process has done every time commit or update.

hmmm... mean, serious? in svn commit (means push) want commit , leave other things alone. finished. if update working copy changed file merged of course. if there should conflict while merging (happens in 1 of 10000 cases) notified , must solve it. after solved conflict in local copy updating works fine again. done.

so difference seems svn lets decide belongs shared repository while git demands repositories in same state or after commit/push. if need different data have use complicated work arounds all time.

is true or miss here?

unless misunderstand asking, refrain doing git add on files not want commit (just refrain committing them in svn). alternatively, git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>, , file not added when git add --all.


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