"PHP Fatal error: Class 'Memcache' not found" occurred in object-cache.php of wordpress even after installed memcache extension -

i tried enable object cache wordpress using memcache. , put object-cache.php /wp-content/, memcached object cache plugin.

and php fatal error: class 'memcache' not found occurred. install memcache extension executing sudo yum -y install php-pecl-memcache , sudo service httpd restart. nothing changed.

i tried install php-pecl-memcached, not php-pecl-memcache. nothing had changed.

i confirmed /etc/php.d/memcache.ini file existed , extension=memcache.so loaded in file.

please give me advice solve this.

when tried new ec2 instance, worked well. guess environment preventing in ways. ideas?

fire command dpkg -l | grep php5 , check packages installed. check php5-memcache , php5-memcached.

if not installed install those


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