java - Posting data with Android and HTTPSURLConnection -

i realize there numerous posts how post json data using android , httpurlconnection. regardless of tried, post body seems never arrive / magically disappear. hoping advise me:

    // encrypt post data     string ciphertext = crypt.encrypt(postdata, encryptionkey);      int postdatalength = ciphertext.getbytes(standardcharsets.utf_8).length;     byte[] bcipertext = ciphertext.getbytes(standardcharsets.utf_8);      // establish connection     httpsurlconnection conn = (httpsurlconnection) url.openconnection();       // set request method     conn.setrequestmethod("post");      // set headers     (string key : headers.keyset()) {         conn.setrequestproperty(key, headers.get(key).trim());     }      // set content type - application/json!     conn.setrequestproperty("content-type", "application/json");      // set utf-8 charset     conn.setrequestproperty("accept-charset", "utf-8");      conn.addrequestproperty("content-type", "application/" + "post");      // don't cache data     conn.setusecaches(false);      // expect output     conn.setdooutput(true);      if (!postdata.isempty()) {         conn.setdoinput(true);         // set content length         conn.setfixedlengthstreamingmode(postdatalength);          printwriter out = new printwriter(conn.getoutputstream());         out.print(ciphertext);         out.close();     } 

sample ciphertext:


edit: problem persists okhttp:

 request request = new request.builder()             .url(url)             .post(requestbody.create(mediatype.parse("text/plain; charset=utf-8"), ciphertext))             .build();      okhttpclient client = new okhttpclient();      response response = client.newcall(request).execute();      system.out.println(ciphertext);      string output = response.body().string();     system.out.println(output);      // decrypt     string decryptedresponse = null;     try {         decryptedresponse = crypt.decrypt(output.tostring(), encryptionkey).trim();     } catch(exception e) {         // if response wasn't encrypted, receive exception         decryptedresponse = output.tostring();     }      httpresponse resp = new httpresponse();     resp.setstatus(response.code()); 

php receiving request is, in essence, this:


you should consider using third party library work http requests. eg okhttp dramatically reduces code overhead , amount or errors:

string postbody = ""     + "releases\n"     + "--------\n"     + "\n"     + " * _1.0_ may 6, 2013\n"     + " * _1.1_ june 15, 2013\n"     + " * _1.2_ august 11, 2013\n";  request request = new request.builder()     .url("")     .post(requestbody.create(media_type_markdown, postbody))     .build();  response response = client.newcall(request).execute(); if (!response.issuccessful()) throw new ioexception("unexpected code " + response);  system.out.println(response.body().string()); 

this snippet taken from:


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