perl anonymous subroutine within a named subroutine -

regarding below code, how $one_sub , $two_sub become coderef's anonymous subroutines within named sub "sup"? named sub isn't 'returning' 2 anon subs; or it? (at least haven't put such statement).

sub sup {            $neh = sub {                   "this 'neh' subroutine"           };            $hen = sub {                   "this 'hen' subroutine"          };           ($neh, $hen);   }    ($one_sub, $two_sub) = ⊃ 

using data::dumper::streamer show's :

$code1 = sub {            use warnings;            use strict;            no feature;            use feature ':5.10';            q[this 'neh' subroutine];          }; $code1 = sub {            use warnings;            use strict;            no feature;            use feature ':5.10';            q[this 'hen' subroutine];          }; 

to quote perlsub:

if no return found , if last statement expression, value returned.

($neh, $hen); expression. in list context, value 2 anonymous subs.


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