java - Selenium Web Driver and OpenLayers 2.x: how to do a identify on a map? -

i've test web mapping application use openlayers 2.x, using selenium web driver in java , using firefox (i'm on windows 7).

i've found issue how use openlayers drawfeature selenium webdriver in java (double click issue)? doesn't solve problem.

i've have test identify function on features on map, so:

1) select identify button on toolbar (i'm able ... no problem ...)

2) click on point feature on map (i'm not able ....)

3) close dialog shows feature descriptive data (i'm not able ....)

i can't give url of application it's not public can use simple test case

that shows use case.

clicking on map, you'll see feature details , close dialog.

here you're code doesn't work

package mytestprojects;  import java.util.concurrent.timeunit;  import; import org.openqa.selenium.webdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.webelement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.firefoxdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.actions;  public class identifyopenlayerstest_02 {  private static webdriver driver = null;  public static void main(string[] args)  throws interruptedexception {      // create new instance of firefox driver     system.out.println("create new instance of firefox driver ...");     driver = new firefoxdriver();      //put implicit wait, means search elements on page take time implicit wait set before throwing exception     driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(10, timeunit.seconds);      // advisable maximize window before performing dragndrop action     system.out.println("maximize window ...");     driver.manage().window().maximize();     thread.sleep(3000l);              // launch openlayers 2.x marker sample      system.out.println("launch openlayers 2.x marker sample  ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);      driver.get("");      // create new action instance      system.out.println("create new action instance ...");     actions act = new actions(driver);      // find viewport inside in witch there map        system.out.println("find viewport inside in witch there map ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);     webelement el = driver.findelement("openlayers_map_2_openlayers_viewport"));      // start action sequence      system.out.println("start action sequence  ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);;      // identify marker     system.out.println("identify marker @ 285, 111 ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);     act.movetoelement(el, 285, 111).click().build().perform();                  // print test = ok!!     system.out.println("test = ok !!");     //driver.quit();          } }  

suggestions? samples?

i've news question (not still solution unfortunately ....).

if run code using openlayers sample

you'll see works, the problem seems not coordinates.

i think problem using sample

the description data of features put in div can see in picture ....

enter image description here

how can show div after click?

any this?

thank in advance!!!

i've solved!!

here you're code works!

package mytestprojects;  import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; import; import org.openqa.selenium.webdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.webelement; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.firefoxdriver; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.firefoxprofile; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.internal.profilesini; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.actions;   public class identifyopenlayerstest_02 {  private static webdriver driver = null;  public static void main(string[] args)  throws interruptedexception {      //create new profile , load firefox default profile      system.out.println("creo un nuovo profilo e vi carico il profilo firefox di default ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);     profilesini profile = new profilesini();             firefoxprofile ffprofile = profile.getprofile("default");      // create new instance of firefox driver using new firefox profile       system.out.println("creo una nuova sessione del browser firefox ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);     driver = new firefoxdriver(ffprofile);      //put implicit wait, means search elements on page take time implicit wait set before throwing exception     driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlywait(10, timeunit.seconds);      // advisable maximize window before performing dragndrop action     system.out.println("maximize window ...");     driver.manage().window().maximize();     thread.sleep(3000l);              // launch openlayers 2.x marker sample      system.out.println("launch openlayers 2.x marker sample  ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);      driver.get("");      // create new action instance      system.out.println("create new action instance ...");     actions act = new actions(driver);      // find viewport inside in witch there map        system.out.println("find viewport inside in witch there map ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);     //webelement el = driver.findelement("openlayers_map_2_openlayers_viewport"));     webelement el = driver.findelement(by.classname("olalphaimg"));      // start action sequence      system.out.println("start action sequence  ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);;              // perform click operation opens new window     // identify marker     system.out.println("identify marker @ 285, 111 ...");     thread.sleep(3000l);     act.movetoelement(el, 285, 111).click().build().perform();        // print test = ok!!     system.out.println("test = ok !!");     //driver.quit();          } }  

in case solution you've consider markers directly on map image, components of browser page, you've refer right element.

the "core" code rows

//webelement el = driver.findelement("openlayers_map_2_openlayers_viewport"));     webelement el = driver.findelement(by.classname("olalphaimg")); 

the commented row wrong code row referring viewport, right code row refers object "olalphaimg".

that's all!

i hope useful others!



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