javascript - mobile site Scroll issues -

im building website , behaving ok in normal browsers, when viewed in mobile browsers not scroll , content locked @ top of screen.

ive read around trying figure fix out @ loss. ( know have clean div tags etc, im more of designer coder , head spinning)!!!

any appreciated.

you have inline style body overflow:hidden in mobile view. added grid system's javascript (you using called 5grid). either there problem grid system javascript, or missing component. not familiar 5grid, not able whether grid system robust or not.

i tried find out more , didnt find online it. without documentation, there nothing can except guess grid system wasn't tested cross mobile maybe? seems use lot of touch based javascript.

if me have preferred media queries on javascript solution when comes making site responsive.

if still want use grid system, can add css style with:

overflow:visible !important; 

to body tag. should solve problem hopefully. please check if affects site experience in mobile devices in works.


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