plsql - PL/SQL Trigger throws a MUTATING TABLE error -
i have trigger:
create or replace trigger tr14_2 before insert or update of cantidad on distribucion each row declare total_cars number; total_cars_potential number; begin select sum(cantidad) total_cars distribucion cifc = :new.cifc; total_cars_potential := total_cars + :new.cantidad; if inserting if(total_cars_potential > 40) raise_application_error(-20005, 'dealer [' || :new.cifc || '] has 40 cars stocked'); end if; end if; if updating if(total_cars_potential - :old.cantidad > 40) raise_application_error(-20006, 'that update of cantidad makes dealer exceeds limit of 40 cars stocked'); end if; end if; end;
it gets mutating table error, , have checked because of updating block of code, inserting goes ok; why? , how can fix it?
just clarify, want each dealer can have @ maximum 40 cars stocked. so, if add row distribucion ("distribution") cantidad ("quantity") make dealer exceed maximum stock, raise error. but, if update quantity of cars of type, stocked in database, , exceed 40 cars, want exception thrown.
thing is, not seeing mutatig table error on updating block.
1st: reason mutating table syndrome you're reading table updated in trigger (selecting total cars).
2nd: solution: i'd create 2 triggers: for-each-row trigger did collects updated rows in package variable
create or replace package pck_tr14_2 type changed_row record ( cantidad distribucion.cantidad%type, ); type changed_row_table table of changed_rows index binary_integer; changed_rows changed_row_table; cnt_changed_rows binary_integer default 1; end pck_tr14_2; /
the for-each-row trigger (now after insert!)
create or replace trigger tr14_2 after insert or update of cantidad on distribucion each row declare begin pck_tr14_2.changed_rows(pck_tr14_2.cnt_changed_rows).cantidad := :old.cantidad; pck_tr14_2.cnt_changed_rows := pck_tr14_2.cnt_changed_rows + 1; end; /
then in after statement trigger implement logic:
create or replace trigger tr14_2_s after insert or update of cantidad on distribucion begin in pck_tr14_2.changed_rows.first..pck_tr14_2.changed_rows.last loop -- logic here null; end loop; end; /
access candidat in "virtuell" table needed ( pck_tr14_2.changed_rows(i). cantidad)
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