mvc - Docusign Embedded Signing(MVC website) - tags not showing up and the document is coming as free form signing -

i trying integrate website docusign via embedded signing. have been pretty successful - documentation , pointers so).

my issue have website , on initial sign need users e-sign document before proceed shop @ site. have set docusign embedded signing experience once login - take them seamlessly(without login docusign server etc) docusign - in document signing shows - document coming thru fine - tags not showing , showing free form signing. there "fields" left of document , need drag , drop these on form ( have populated these fields values).

the real issue docusign lets me "finish" without signing since document showing free form - please find code below - using docusign rest api created embedded signing predefined document template using /envelopes/{envelopeid}/views/recipient call. using restsharp connect docusign. help!

    protected const string integratorkey = "xx";     protected const string environment = "";     protected const string templaterole = "applicant";     protected const string templateid = "xx";      private static logger logger = logmanager.getcurrentclasslogger();     protected const string accountemail = "";     protected const string accountpassword = "***";     private restsharp.restclient client = new restclient();     private restsharp.restrequest request;     bool docusigncallresult = false;      //     // get: /docusign/           public actionresult launchdocusign(int id)     {         restsettings.instance.integratorkey = integratorkey;         restsettings.instance.docusignaddress = environment;         restsettings.instance.webserviceurl = environment + "/restapi/v2";          domain.account currentaccount = null;         using (var accountrepo = new accountrepository())         {             currentaccount = accountrepo.accountget(id);         }          string recipientemail =;         string recipientname = currentaccount.fullname;          account docusignacct = getdocusignacctdetails();         envelope docusignenvelope = getdocusignenvelopedetails(docusignacct,recipientemail,recipientname);         recipientview rv = getrecipientview(recipientemail, recipientname);                                                    client = new restsharp.restclient(environment);         request = new restrequest("/restapi/{apiversion}/accounts/{accountid}/envelopes/{envelopeid}/views/recipient");         request.addurlsegment("apiversion", "v2");         request.addurlsegment("accountid", docusignacct.accountid);         request.addurlsegment("envelopeid", docusignenvelope.envelopeid);          mysite.web.models.docusigndata.authenticationheader header = new mysite.web.models.docusigndata.authenticationheader();         var jsonheader = jsonconvert.serializeobject(header);                    request.addheader("x-docusign-authentication", jsonheader);         request.method =;         request.requestformat = dataformat.json;                    request.addjsonbody(rv);          var response = client.execute(request);                   char[] charstotrim = { '\r', '\n', ' ', '\'' };         var json = response.content.trim(charstotrim);         var jo = jobject.parse(json);         var recipienturl = jo["url"].tostring();         return redirect(recipienturl);                 }      /// <summary>     /// recipient view launch docusign(embedded signing experience)     /// </summary>     /// <param name="recipientemail"></param>     /// <param name="recipientname"></param>     /// <returns></returns>      private recipientview getrecipientview(string recipientemail, string recipientname)     {         recipientview rv = new recipientview();         rv.authenticationmethod = "email";         rv.returnurl = request.url.scheme + system.uri.schemedelimiter + + "/mysitecontroller/mysiteactionmethod"; = recipientemail;         rv.username = recipientname;         rv.clientuserid = "1";          return rv;      }      /// <summary>     /// create envelope using template on docusign      /// </summary>     /// <param name="acct"></param>     /// <param name="recipientemail"></param>     /// <param name="recipientname"></param>     /// <returns></returns>      private envelope getdocusignenvelopedetails(account acct,string recipientemail,string recipientname)     {         envelope envelope = new envelope();         envelope.login = acct;         envelope.status = "sent";         envelope.emailsubject = "testing";         envelope.templateid = templateid;         envelope.templateroles = new templaterole[]         {             new templaterole()             {               email = recipientemail,               name = recipientname,               rolename = templaterole,               clientuserid = "1"             }         };          try         {             docusigncallresult = envelope.create();         }         catch (exception ex)         {             logger.error("login docusign failed due {0} , exception generated {2}", envelope.resterror.message, ex.message);         }          return envelope;      }      /// <summary>     /// access docusign account information      /// </summary>     /// <returns></returns>     private account getdocusignacctdetails()     {         account docusignacct = new account(); = accountemail;         docusignacct.password = accountpassword;          try         {             docusigncallresult = docusignacct.login();         }         catch (exception ex)         {             logger.error("login docusign failed due {0} , exception generated {2}", docusignacct.resterror.message, ex.message);         }         return docusignacct;     } } 


as jeff has mentioned in comments caused not matching recipient correctly template (placeholder) role on template. code looks sending value applicant template role name - means need have role called applicant in template in web console.

for instance, in below screenshot role name signer1:

template role name field in docusign web console

to fix either login console , name role on template "applicant" or whatever name has copy code , send in api request.


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