javascript - How do I simulate multiple simultaneous slow Meteor publications? -

i want simulate multiple slow subscriptions. client subscribes 2 or more publications @ same time, , result arrive later.
goal able see how network latencies , randomness can affect application (it bugs because expected publication ready before another, ...).

using following short setup publications:

// server/foo.js meteor.publish('foo', function() {   console.log('publishing foo');   meteor._sleepforms(2000);   console.log('waking foo');   this.ready(); });  // server/bar.js same different name meteor.publish('bar', function() {   console.log('publishing bar');   meteor._sleepforms(2000);   console.log('waking bar');   this.ready(); }); 

both publications slowed down meteor._sleepforms seen in this amazing answer.

the client subscribes each publication:

meteor.subscribe('bar'); // /client/bar.js meteor.subscribe('foo'); // /client/foo.js 

from there expected see both 'publishing' logs first, both 'waking up'.

however, appears in console:

15:37:45? publishing bar
15:37:47? waking bar
15:37:47? publishing foo
15:37:49? waking foo

(i removed irrelevant fluff day)

so runs in synchronous fashion. thought 2 things can cause that: server waitforms entirely block server (fairly weird), or client subscription design.

to make sure wasn't server added simple heartbeat:
meteor.setinterval(function() { console.log('beep'); }, 500);

and did not stop beeping, server isn't blocked.

i suspect issue lies within client subscription model, maybe waits subscription ready before calling another..?

thus, 2 questions:

  • why doesn't experiment run way wanted to?
  • how should modify achieve desired goal (multiple slow publications) ?

meteor processes ddp messages (which include subscriptions) in sequence. ensures can perform action deleting object , inserting in correct order, , not run errors.

there support getting around in meteor.methods using this.unblock() allow next available ddp message process without waiting previous 1 finish executing. unfortunately not available meteor.publish in meteor core. can see discussion (and workarounds) issue here:

there package adds functionality publications:


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