ruby - What does "(...) interpreted as grouped expression" mean? -

i'm using ruby linter in atom , lines gives following warning:

(...) interpreted grouped expression 

an example of line get's warning this:

elsif not (params[:vacancy].nil? or params[:vacancy]['company_id'].nil? or params[:vacancy]['company_id'] == "0" ) 

how should line improved make warning go away?

the warning

(...) interpreted grouped expression 

and means says: in ruby, parentheses can used 3 purposes, expression grouping, parameter lists , argument lists. warning emitted when ruby thinks want argument list wrote grouped expression instead. common cause whitespace between name of message , argument list in message send this: (1, 2) 

this interpreted not argument list message send, rather grouped expression, which, in particular case, syntaxerror.

in particular case, warning seems false positive.


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