actionscript 3 - Can't make MovieClip in function dissapear -

i'm trying make simple shooting game fiat multipla falling bottom of screen. have created function generate falling multipla , within function have problem.

the main issue after change of multideath status 1 "death" function nothing if kept enter_frame. child becomes invisible implemented in multipla movieclip, after response there death = 1, nothing happens.

i'm new this, i've met , solved few issues during programming, here's brickwall now. code's either failing or don't know that's obvious. said, i'm newbie.

thanks lot help!

here's function:

import; import flash.desktop.nativeapplication; multitouch.inputmode = multitouchinputmode.touch_point;  mouse.hide(); var velocity = 0; var ammo = 6; lgui.lguiammo.gotoandstop(6);  var counter = 0;  function multiplarain() {  var x1 = math.ceil(math.random() * 280); var y1 = -200; var random:multipla = new multipla(); var life = 265; var multideath = 0;  random.x = 100 + x1; random.y = y1 addchild(random); random.gotoandstop(1); setchildindex(random, +1);  addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, death);     function death(event:event):void     {         if(multideath >= 1)         {         removeeventlistener(event.enter_frame, death);         removechild(random);         }     }  addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, fl_enterframehandler);      function fl_enterframehandler(event:event):void         {             if(random.y >= 680)             {             removeeventlistener(event.enter_frame, fl_enterframehandler)             removechild(random);             trace("rofl");             }         }  random.addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, fl_animatevertically);      function fl_animatevertically(event:event)     {         velocity = velocity + 0.000035;         random.y += 1.5 + velocity;     }  random.addeventlistener(touchevent.touch_tap, fl_taphandler);      function fl_taphandler(event:touchevent):void     {         counter = counter + 1;         ammo -= 1;     }  if(ammo == 6) {     lgui.lguiammo.gotoandstop(6); }        if(ammo == 5) {     lgui.lguiammo.gotoandstop(5); }                if(ammo == 4) {     lgui.lguiammo.gotoandstop(4); } if(ammo == 3) {     lgui.lguiammo.gotoandstop(3); } if(ammo == 2) {     lgui.lguiammo.gotoandstop(2); } if(ammo == 1) {     lgui.lguiammo.gotoandstop(1); } if(ammo <= 0) {     lgui.lguiammo.gotoandstop(7); }  hgui.saved.text = counter;   this.addeventlistener( event.enter_frame, handlecollision)  var kucyk = lgui.lguilife.lifeitself;  function handlecollision(e:event):void {     if (random.hittestobject(lgui))     {         kucyk = lgui.lguilife.lifeitself;         kucyk.width -= 0.1;     }     /*if (kucyk.width == 0.75)         {             trace("cycki");             nativeapplication.nativeapplication.exit();          }*/     } } 

and here's multipla's movieclip in library code:

multitouch.inputmode = multitouchinputmode.touch_point; this.addeventlistener(touchevent.touch_tap, fl_taphandler2);  function fl_taphandler2(event:touchevent):void {     this.gotoandplay(2); }   addeventlistener(event.enter_frame, fl_enterframehandler);  function fl_enterframehandler(event:event):void {     if(this.currentframe == 60)     {         this.visible = false;         movieclip(root).multideath = 1;         trace(movieclip(root).multideath);         removeeventlistener(event.enter_frame, fl_enterframehandler);         removeeventlistener(event.enter_frame, fl_taphandler2);     } } 

it's been 10 years since last time worked as2 i'd guess multipla sets multideath property in wrong place. if remember corrctly, root top-most level (your application). if first code not on main timeline in movieclip on main timeline won't work. try put trace death function see if multideath changing there:


try in multipla code:

parent.multideath = 1; 

instead of

movieclip(root).multideath = 1; 

and i'm asking myself why need many enter frame listeners? can have 1 , combine animations in 1 function.

also don't need check multideath on every frame, remove movieclip in separate function:

function removemultipla():void {   removechild(random); } 

just call function multipla instead of setting multideath property:



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