ios - Slient push notification to open App -

i'm new ios platform please bear me.

we developing app enable user perform in-app video chat, video chat considering opentalk sdk.

so here scenario, user starts video chat session user b, request sent server generating sessionid , token (which passed client), server returns sessionid , token user a, problem arises how pass same sessionid , token user b, video chat can started.

we thought of using apn service send notification user b along sessionid , token in payload, not user experience, because appear in notification window, if user offline notification show once online (of don't see use).

any highly appreciated.

ios 7+ supports "silent push notifications".

the aps dictionary can contain content-available property. content-available property value of 1 lets remote notification act “silent” notification. when silent notification arrives, ios wakes app in background can new data server or background information processing. users aren’t told new or changed information results silent notification, can find out next time open app.



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