java - How to read data from two text files and linking the data? -

i want read data host.txt , instance.txt, able read data i'm not sure how can linked!

here host file:

host id     number of slots        data centre =======     ===============       ============ 2,                  4,                  0 5,                  4,                  0 7,                  3,                  0 9,                  3,                  1 3,                  3,                  1 10,                 2,                  2 6,                  4,                  2 8,                  2,                  2 

here instance file:

instance id            customer        host id ===========           =========        ======= 1,                         8,             2 2,                         8,             2 3,                         8,             2 4,                         8,             7 5,                        15,             7 6,                        16,             9 7,                        13,             9 8,                         9,             3 9,                        13,             3 10,                       16,             5 11,                       15,             8 12,                        8,             6 13,                       16,             8 14,                        9,             9 15,                        9,             7 

here code using read files:

public class cloudstructure {      public static void main(string[] args) {          readhost("c:\\tmp\\hoststate.txt");         readinstance("c:\\tmp\\instancestate.txt");     }      public static void readhost(string filepath)     {         string line = "";          arraylist<string> host = new arraylist<string>();         arraylist<string> slot = new arraylist<string>();         arraylist<string> centre = new arraylist<string>();          cloudstructuredata gethosttxtdata = new cloudstructuredata();          filereader fr;         bufferedreader br;          string[] hostid = null;         string[] slots = null;         string[] datacentre = null;            try {                fr = new filereader(filepath);                br = new bufferedreader(fr);                 while((line = br.readline()) != null)                 {                       hostid = line.split(",");                    slots = line.split(",");                    datacentre = line.split(",");                                     host.add(hostid[0]);                     slot.add(slots[1]);                              centre.add(datacentre[2]);                }               }               catch(filenotfoundexception fn) {                fn.printstacktrace();               }               catch(ioexception e) {                system.out.println(e);               }            gethosttxtdata.sethostid(host);          gethosttxtdata.setslot(slot);          gethosttxtdata.setcentre(centre);           system.out.println("host file");          system.out.println("=============");          system.out.println("hosts:      " + gethosttxtdata.gethostid());          system.out.println("slots:      " + gethosttxtdata.getslot());          system.out.println("datacentre: " + gethosttxtdata.getcentre());     }         public static void readinstance(string filepath)     {         string line = "";          arraylist<string> instance = new arraylist<string>();         arraylist<string> customer = new arraylist<string>();         arraylist<string> host = new arraylist<string>();          cloudstructuredata gethosttxtdata = new cloudstructuredata();          filereader fr;         bufferedreader br;          string[] instanceid = null;         string[] custid = null;         string[] hostid = null;            try {                fr = new filereader(filepath);                br = new bufferedreader(fr);                 while((line = br.readline()) != null)                 {                       instanceid = line.split(",");                    custid = line.split(",");                    hostid = line.split(",");                                     instance.add(instanceid[0]);                     customer.add(custid[1]);                             host.add(hostid[2]);                }               }               catch(filenotfoundexception fn) {                fn.printstacktrace();               }               catch(ioexception e) {                system.out.println(e);               }            gethosttxtdata.setinstance(instance);          gethosttxtdata.setcust(customer);          gethosttxtdata.sethostinst(host);           system.out.println();          system.out.println("instance file");          system.out.println("=============");          system.out.println("instance: " + gethosttxtdata.getintstanceid());          system.out.println("customer: " + gethosttxtdata.getcustomer());          system.out.println("host:     " + gethosttxtdata.gethostinst());     }        } 

my other class:

package cloud;  import java.util.arraylist;  public class cloudstructuredata {      private arraylist<string> shostid;     private arraylist<string> sslot;     private arraylist<string> scentre;      private arraylist<string> sinstanceid;     private arraylist<string> scust;     private arraylist<string> shostinst;      cloudstructuredata(){         shostid = new arraylist<string>();         sslot = new arraylist<string>();         scentre = new arraylist<string>();          sinstanceid = new arraylist<string>();         scust = new arraylist<string>();         shostinst = new arraylist<string>();             }      // statements host     public arraylist<string> gethostid(){         return shostid;     }      public arraylist<string> getslot(){         return sslot;     }      public arraylist<string> getcentre(){         return scentre;     }         // statements instance     public arraylist<string> getintstanceid(){         return sinstanceid;     }      public arraylist<string> getcustomer(){         return scust;     }      public arraylist<string> gethostinst(){         return shostinst;     }             //set statements host     public void setslot(arraylist<string> slot){         sslot = slot;     }      public void setcentre(arraylist<string> centre){         scentre = centre;     }      public void sethostid(arraylist<string> hostid) {         shostid = hostid;     }      //set statements instance     public void setinstance(arraylist<string> instanceid){         sinstanceid = instanceid;     }      public void setcust(arraylist<string> cust){         scust = cust;     }      public void sethostinst(arraylist<string> hostinst) {         shostinst = hostinst;     }     } 

here output of program:

host file ============= hosts:      [2, 5, 7, 9, 3, 10, 6, 8] slots:      [4, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 4, 2] datacentre: [0 , 0 , 0 , 1, 1, 2, 2, 2]  instance file ============= instance: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15] customer: [8, 8, 8, 8, 15, 16, 13, 9, 13, 16, 15, 8, 16, 9, 9] host:     [2, 2, 2, 7, 7, 9, 9, 3, 3, 5, 8, 6, 8, 9, 7] 

the hoststate.txt input lists different hosts , location. instancestate.txt input lists running instances , on host running.

i suggest create 2 classes 1 host , 1 instance. instance class have reference host object. can use built-in map facilitate search of hosts , instances. following changes code illustrate above idea. tried keep consistent possible original code although not agree design. anyhow, below should give idea of how achieve requirement:

package cloud;  public class host {     private string hostid;     private string numberofslots;     private string datacentre;      public host(string hostid, string numberofslots, string datacentre) {         this.hostid = hostid;         this.numberofslots = numberofslots;         this.datacentre = datacentre;     }      // valid getters , setters follow...  }

package cloud;  public class instance {     private string instanceid;     private string customer;     private host host; // reference related host object      public instance(string instanceid, string customer, host host) {         this.instanceid = instanceid;         this.customer = customer; = host;     }      // valid getters , setters follow...  }

package cloud;  import java.util.hashmap; import;  public class cloudstructuredata {      private map<string, host> hosts;     private map<string, instance> instances;      public cloudstructuredata(){          hosts = new hashmap<string, host>(); // key hostid         instances = new hashmap<string, instance>(); // key instanceid     }      public map<string, host> gethosts() {         return hosts;     }      public map<string, instance> getinstances() {         return instances;     }  }

import; import; import; import; import;  import cloud.cloudstructuredata; import; import cloud.instance;  public class cloudstructure {      public static cloudstructuredata readhost(string filepath)     {         string line = "";          cloudstructuredata clouddata = new cloudstructuredata();          filereader fr;         bufferedreader br;          string[] hostid = null;         string[] slots = null;         string[] datacentre = null;            try {                fr = new filereader(filepath);                br = new bufferedreader(fr);                 while((line = br.readline()) != null)                 {                       hostid = line.split(",");                    slots = line.split(",");                    datacentre = line.split(",");                                     host host = new host(hostid[0], slots[1], datacentre[2]);                     clouddata.gethosts().put(hostid[0], host);                }               }               catch(filenotfoundexception fn) {                fn.printstacktrace();               }               catch(ioexception e) {                system.out.println(e);               }            // output data way want...           return clouddata;     }         public static cloudstructuredata readinstance(string filepath, cloudstructuredata clouddata)     {         string line = "";          filereader fr;         bufferedreader br;          string[] instanceid = null;         string[] custid = null;         string[] hostid = null;            try {                fr = new filereader(filepath);                br = new bufferedreader(fr);                 while((line = br.readline()) != null)                 {                       instanceid = line.split(",");                    custid = line.split(",");                    hostid = line.split(",");                                     host hostobject = clouddata.gethosts().get(hostid[2]); // host object or null if not found                    instance instanceobject = new instance(instanceid[0], custid[1], hostobject);                    clouddata.getinstances().put(instanceid[0], instanceobject);                }               }               catch(filenotfoundexception fn) {                fn.printstacktrace();               }               catch(ioexception e) {                system.out.println(e);               }                 // output instances way want                return clouddata;     }        public static void main(string[] args) {          cloudstructuredata clouddata = readhost("c:\\tmp\\hoststate.txt");         clouddata = readinstance("c:\\tmp\\instancestate.txt", clouddata);         /*          * instances linked host.            * can loop , whatever want.          */         (map.entry<string, instance> currententry                  : clouddata.getinstances().entryset()) {             instance currentinstance = currententry.getvalue();             host currenthost = currentinstance.gethost();             // have current instance , related host...         }      } } 

is need?


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