sorting - How to sort Culture Specific DataTime Column in a datatable(jquery) which has empty columns too -

i working on mvc , using datatable has column of type datetime. column has few blank( empty) cells too. achiving using string property fill column instead of datetime property. also, date should culture-specific

html code:

<tbody>          @foreach (var item in          {              <tr>                  <td>                      @item.accountname                  </td>                  <td>                      @item.accountid                  </td>                  <td>                      @if (item.lastlogindate.equals(datetime.minvalue))                      {                          <text>@item.slastlogindate</text>                      }                      else                      {  						//this customculture value :		                          //cultureinfo customculture = new cultureinfo("some culture");                                              <text>@item.lastlogindate.tostring("dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss", customculture)</text>		                      }                  </td>              </tr>          }      </tbody>

c# code model:

for(some iterations)    {  	datarow row = dt.rows[i];    	xyzentity objxyzentity = new xyzentity();  	if (!row["saccounts"].equals(dbnull.value))  		objxyzentity.accountname = convert.tostring(row["saccounts"]);  	if (!row["laccountid"].equals(dbnull.value))  		objxyzentity.accountid = convert.tostring(row["laccountid"]);  	if (!row["dlastlogintime"].equals(dbnull.value))  		objxyzentity.lastlogindate = convert.todatetime(row["dlastlogintime"]);  	objxyzentity.slastlogindate = string.empty;	//using string property in case database cell empty  				  	lstxyzentity.add(objxyzentity);  }  return lstxyzentity;

i have taken string property "slastlogindate" , datetime property "lastlogindate". when cell in database empty, using "slastlogindate" instead of datetime property "lastlogindate". implementation, not able proprly sort datetime column.


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