html - css form input[type="text"] selector -

i'm using css style html page.

can selector:

form input[type="text"] 

change form of 1 input type text? 1 et others css?

thanks best regards

i dont question. have few options

will style every input typed text. <input type="text" />

    form input[type="text"] {} 

will style level first input typed text

    form >input[type="text"] {} 

will style first input

form input[type="text"]:first-child {} 

will style input typed text class "foo"

form[type="text"] { } 

so. lets have form

<form action="" method="post"> <input type="text" name="text" class="foo" /> <input type="text" name="text2" class="bar" /> </form> 

this target inputs

form input[type="text"] { border:2px solid #000000; } 

this target first input class "foo"

form[type="text"] { background-color:red; } 

this target second input class "bar"

form[type="text"] { background-color:green; } 

click here view on codepen


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