java - Create a unique key for Map from multiple Enum types -

i have requirement multiple enums need find value in i.e. map<key,value> (combination of enums return unique value). think there many options having wrapper object key act key. also, can use guava table if keys limited 2 (not sure).

wanted check below approach 2 enums map unique computed value, need suggestions understanding -
i) if approach fine?
ii) if yes, scalable? i.e. can made generic support 'n' enums in tokey(enum ...enums)

below snippet 2 enums -

static integer tokey(status s, substatus ss) {    return integer.valueof(s.ordinal() * substatus.values().length + ss.ordinal()); } 


status { none, pass, warn, reject } substatus { none, soft_reject, hard_reject }  integer key1 = tokey(status.reject, substatus.hard_reject) integer key2 = tokey(status.warn, substatus.none)  key1 != key2  


you can try code generate hash code serves key:

static int tokey(status s, substatus ss) {   final int prime = 31;   int result = 1;   result = prime * result + ((s == null) ? 0 : s.hashcode());   result = prime * result + ((ss == null) ? 0 : ss.hashcode());   return result; } 

it should robust against collisions due prime number , extendable support n enums.


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