logging - log with timbre in clojure: how to set timestamp and local? -

i have following code.

   (timbre/merge-config! {:timestamp-pattern "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss zz" } )  (info (str "acm template deploy start..., version " version)) 

but timestamp format not want. how should set format?

 $ lein run compiling com.rockiedata.dw.acm.template.deploy 15-jun-25 22:13:00 unknownhost info [com.rockiedata.dw.acm.template.deploy] - acm template deploy start..., version 0.1 

and how set local, in document said

  :timestamp-locale  nil 

but how set chinese local?

based on documentation https://github.com/ptaoussanis/timbre should following :

(timbre/merge-config!    {:timestamp-opts      {:pattern "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss zz"       :locale (java.util.locale. "zh_cn")}}) 


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