c# - Silverlight/WPF Calendar how to get visible dates -

i want visible dates in calendar, example following image want june 28th of 2015 august 8th of 2015

enter image description here

all in event displaydatechanged

addeddate = {01/07/2015 00:00:00} (july 1st)

removeddate = {25/06/2015 00:00:00} (june 25th)

at first thought displaydatestart , displaydateend give me information, realized these properties not readonly, instead set them other purposes such date range displayed.

so workaround or way calculate or result want?

i got answer through questions , doing changes in calendar template.

i clicked edit additional templates/edit calendardaybuttonstyle, added following:

<setter property="tag" value="{binding path=date}" />  private void mycal_displaydatechanged(object sender, calendardatechangedeventargs e)         {             var grid = findvisualchildbyname<grid>(mycal, "monthview");             datetime? dtbegin = null;             datetime? dtend = null;              if (grid != null && grid.children.oftype<system.windows.controls.primitives.calendardaybutton>().any())             {                 foreach (var button in grid.children.oftype<system.windows.controls.primitives.calendardaybutton>().cast<system.windows.controls.primitives.calendardaybutton>())                 {                     if (dtbegin == null)                         dtbegin = convert.todatetime(button.tag);                     else                         dtend = convert.todatetime(button.tag);                 }             }         }          public static t findvisualchildbyname<t>(dependencyobject parent, string name) t : dependencyobject         {             (int = 0; < visualtreehelper.getchildrencount(parent); i++)             {                 var child = visualtreehelper.getchild(parent, i);                 string controlname = child.getvalue(control.nameproperty) string;                 if (controlname == name)                 {                     return child t;                 }                 else                 {                     t result = findvisualchildbyname<t>(child, name);                     if (result != null)                         return result;                 }             }             return null;         } 

detecting when day clicked on silverlight calendar control



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