python - wxPython Plot overlapping -

i designing gui , got problem configuration of plots. won't post whole script because hundreds of lines long. show problem , specific code segment: extraction gui

so see ugly grey block polar plot. don't know how remove it, or make small possible.

i need display multiple plot on 1 page.

another minor problem {0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0} axis values polar plot.

here comes script extract, hope can me.

import matplotlib.mlab mlab mne.connectivity import spectral sp import matplotlib matplotlib.use('wxagg') matplotlib.figure import figure matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import figurecanvaswxagg figurecanvas  self.figure2 = figure(figsize=(1,2)) self.axe2 = self.figure2.add_subplot(111) self.z_plot = figurecanvas(self, -1, self.figure2) self.axe2.set_axis_bgcolor('white') self.axe2.set_title("connectivity - channel") self.axe2.set_xlabel("frequencs [hz]") self.axe2.set_ylabel("value [  ]") self.axe2.set_ylim(0, 1.05) pylab.setp(self.axe2.get_xticklabels(), fontsize=8) pylab.setp(self.axe2.get_yticklabels(), fontsize=8) self.axe2.grid(true, color='gray') # polar plot self.figure3 = figure(figsize=(1,1)) self.axe3 = self.figure3.add_subplot(111, polar=true) self.p_plot = figurecanvas(self, -1, self.figure3) self.p_plot.setdimensions(860, 20, 500, 200) self.axe3.set_axis_bgcolor('white') 


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