json - Serializing .MinValue of value types (C#) in ASP.NET Web API 2 to null -

i serialize .minvalue of value types (c#) in asp.net web api 2 null when passing client. when client sends value null .minvalue value types on server.

i using json.net json serialization , deserialization. further need same uri parameters , maybe formdata. following types need: short, int, long, float, double, decimal, datetime

things tried:

  • one solution work nullable types. on server prefer work not nullable types because business logic layer working value types , in data access layer converted dbnull if .minvalue.
  • i wrote jsonconverter datetime (derived isodatetimeconverter) handle datetime.minvalue null , vice versa. works fine, not sure how numbers because don't have jsonconverter implementations in json.net or can't find them.
  • for uri-parameters try implementation of imodelbinder

is there built in way in json.net handle needs have not found?

how can overwrite number-serialization (int, decimal, ..) in json.net?

any other idea satisfy needs...

you use custom converter this:

public class valuetypeconverter : jsonconverter {     private static list<type> supportedtypes = new list<type>     {         typeof(short),         typeof(int),         typeof(long),         typeof(float),         typeof(double),         typeof(decimal),         typeof(datetime)     };      private static dictionary<type, object> minvalues;      static valuetypeconverter()     {         minvalues = new dictionary<type, object>();          foreach (type type in supportedtypes)         {             minvalues.add(type, getminvalue(type));         }     }      public override object readjson(         jsonreader reader,          type objecttype,         object existingvalue,         jsonserializer serializer)     {         object value = reader.value;          value = value ?? minvalues[objecttype];         value = convert.changetype(value, objecttype);          return value;     }      public override bool canconvert(type objecttype)     {         return minvalues.containskey(objecttype);     }      public override void writejson(         jsonwriter writer, object value, jsonserializer serializer)     {                 object minvalue = minvalues[value.gettype()];          if (object.equals(value, minvalue))         {             value = null;         }          writer.writevalue(value);     }      private static object getminvalue(type objecttype)     {         fieldinfo minvaluefieldinfo = objecttype.getfield("minvalue");          return minvaluefieldinfo.getvalue(null);     } } 


var settings = new jsonserializersettings {     converters = new[] { new valuetypeconverter() } };  string json = jsonconvert.serializeobject(obj, settings); 

example: https://dotnetfiddle.net/wphjr5


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