biztalk - cannot retrive a document specification using this name -

running biztalk 2013r2, have send port custom pipeline. first component in pipeline standard "flat file assembler" component. properties default except "documentspecname" have given

i have checked schema deployed once checking admin console running following sql query:

select msgtype, assemblyid, clr_namespace, clr_assemblyname bt_documentspec msgtype = '' 

this select returns following single row: 7517 bts.go.store6.schemas, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=0a9764041befeb8b

i have checked in .net4 gac , can confirm publickeytoken of assembly bts.go.store6.schemas v1 0a9674041befeb8b

i have tried:

  1. undeploying application , ensuring relevant assemblies removed .net4 gac
  2. checked assembly doesn't exist in old gac
  3. rebooting dev laptop on running biztalk
  4. deploying separate test server - same problem here!

it may worth adding same assembly contains different flat file schema "customer". have different send port sends out through same custom pipeline component - 1 works fine!

can suggest else can try resolve?

problem confused state!

we need use documentspecname when disassembling, otherwise biztalk wouldn't know flat file schema use. however, there's no need use on send assemble ff message because biztalk can determine schema use message it's provided - xml representation of ff produced map


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