How to retrieve recursively any files with a specific extensions in PowerShell? -

for specific folder, need list files extension .js if nested in subfolders @ level.

the result output console should list of file names no extension line line copy , pasted in application.

at moment trying this, in output console several meta information , not simple list.

get-childitem -path c:\xx\x-recurse -file | sort length –descending 

could please provide me hints?

if sorting length not necessity, can use -name parameter have get-childitem return name, use []::getfilenamewithoutextension() remove path , extension:

get-childitem -path .\ -filter *.js -recurse -file -name| foreach-object {     []::getfilenamewithoutextension($_) } 

if sorting length desired, drop -name parameter , output basename property of each fileinfo object. can pipe output (in both examples) clip, copy clipboard:

get-childitem -path .\ -filter *.js -recurse -file| sort-object length -descending | foreach-object {     $_.basename } | clip 

if want full path, without extension, substitute $_.basename with:

$_.fullname.remove($_.fullname.length - $_.extension.length) 


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