Spring Batch Integration using Java DSL / launching jobs -

i've working spring boot/batch projet containing 2 jobs.

i'm trying add integration poll files remote sftp using java configuration / java dsl, , launch job.

the file polling working i've no idea on how launch job in flow, despite reading these links :

spring batch integration config using java dsl


spring batch integration job-launching-gateway

some code snippets:

@bean public sessionfactory sftpsessionfactory()     {         defaultsftpsessionfactory sftpsessionfactory = new defaultsftpsessionfactory();         sftpsessionfactory.sethost("myip");         sftpsessionfactory.setport(22);         sftpsessionfactory.setuser("user");         sftpsessionfactory.setprivatekey(new filesystemresource("path key"));      return sftpsessionfactory; }  @bean public integrationflow ftpinboundflow() {     return integrationflows         .from(sftp.inboundadapter(sftpsessionfactory())             .deleteremotefiles(boolean.false)             .preservetimestamp(boolean.true)             .autocreatelocaldirectory(boolean.true)             .remotedirectory("remote dir")             .regexfilter(".*\\.txt$")             .localdirectory(new file("c:/sftp/")),                 e -> e.id("sftpinboundadapter").poller(pollers.fixedrate(600000)))         .handle("filemessagetojobrequest","torequest")         // put next process jobrequest ? 

for .handle("filemessagetojobrequest","torequest") use 1 described here http://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/trunk/reference/html/springbatchintegration.html

i appreciate on that, many thanks.

edit after gary comment i've added, doesn't compile -of course- because don't understand how request propagated :

.handle("filemessagetojobrequest","torequest") .handle(joblaunchinggw()) .get(); }  @bean public messagehandler joblaunchinggw() {     return new joblaunchinggateway(joblauncher()); }  @autowired private joblauncher joblauncher;  @bean public jobexecution joblauncher(joblaunchrequest req) throws jobexecutionexception {     jobexecution execution = joblauncher.run(req.getjob(), req.getjobparameters());     return execution; } 

i've found way launch job using @serviceactivator , adding flow i'm not sure it's practice :

 .handle("lauchbatchservice", "launch")  @component("lauchbatchservice") public class launchbatchservice {     private static logger log = loggerfactory.getlogger(launchbatchservice.class);  @autowired private joblauncher joblauncher;  @serviceactivator public jobexecution launch(joblaunchrequest req) throws jobexecutionexception {      jobexecution execution = joblauncher.run(req.getjob(), req.getjobparameters());      return execution; }  } 

    .handle(joblaunchinggw())     // handle result  ...  @bean public messagehandler joblaunchinggw() {     return new joblaunchinggateway(joblauncher()); } 

where joblauncher() joblauncher bean.


your service activator doing same jlg; uses this code.

your joblauncher @bean wrong.

@beans definitions; don't runtime stuff this

@bean public jobexecution joblauncher(joblaunchrequest req) throws jobexecutionexception {     jobexecution execution = joblauncher.run(req.getjob(), req.getjobparameters());     return execution; } 

since autowiring joblauncher, use that.

@autowired private joblauncher joblauncher;  @bean public messagehandler joblaunchinggw() {     return new joblaunchinggateway(joblauncher);    }  


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