winforms - C# Reflection. Set TableAdapter ConnectionString -

i hope can one. i've been trying create new base class winform. want have base class go through tableadapters has on , update connection strings without adding code form. put tableadapters on form , don't worry connection string settings it's handled in base class.

the problem i'm having reflection code can find property fine can't set it. can help?

below code (updated)

public class cformws : form {     public string connectionstringtouse { get; set; }      public cformws()     {         load += cformws_load;     }      void cformws_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         initilisetableadapters();     }      private void initilisetableadapters()     {                   var listofcomponents = enumeratecomponents();          foreach (var itemcomp in listofcomponents)         {             if (itemcomp.tostring().tolower().endswith("tableadapter"))             {                 var itemcompprops = itemcomp.gettype().getruntimeproperties();                  var tasqlconnection = itemcompprops.firstordefault(w => w.propertytype == typeof(;                  if (tasqlconnection != null)                 {                     var property = typeof("connectionstring");                      // how set value ?                      string value = "some new connection string";                      var convertedproperty = convert.changetype(value, property.propertytype);                      // tried seting value.  not working "object not match target type"                     property.setvalue(tasqlconnection, convertedproperty, null);                       //// tried using method.  not working "object not match target type"                     //var m = property.setmethod;                     //parameterinfo[] parameters = m.getparameters();                     //m.invoke(m, parameters); // m.invoke(this, parameters); // m.invoke(itemcomp, parameters);                 }                                   }                         }     }      private ienumerable<component> enumeratecomponents()     {         return field in gettype().getfields(bindingflags.instance | bindingflags.public | bindingflags.nonpublic)                typeof(component).isassignablefrom(field.fieldtype)                let component = (component)field.getvalue(this)                component != null                select component;     }   


when setvalue, need pass in object wish set property on.

  • in first example code, passed in itemcomp: incorrect, since connectionstring property of sqlconnection property of itemcomp
  • in edited question (and original answer) pass in tasqlconnection. however, not object, propertyinfobased of object
  • the correct way value itemcomp object , pass in:

property.setvalue(tasqlconnection.getvalue(itemcomp), convertedproperty, null);

original (incorrect) answer:

you're trying set connectionstring property of itemcomp. connectionstring not property of tableadapter of sqlconnection (which property of tableadapter).

the correct way of setting property this:

property.setvalue(tasqlconnection, convertedproperty, null); 


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