javascript - Destroying the HTML video player? -

i want play video on embedded game of mine , when video ends, want disappear seamlessly go intro game (can't insert video game in engine i'm working in). how can this? currently, have this:

<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> </head> <body>  <div class = "container"><span> <iframe src='...' /> <video autoplay> <source src="intro.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> </span></div>  <script>     var video = document.getelementsbytagname('video')[0];      video.onended = function(e) {       # don't know put in here     }; </script>  </body></html> 

one way can giving exact same size game's element , video.

then hide game inline css display: none; when page starts, , once video ends can hide video , display game.

var game = document.getelementbyid("..."); var video = document.getelementbyid("..."); = "none";  video.onended = function(e) { = "none";   // or if want destroy permanently   // video.parentnode.removechild(video);   // video = null; = ""; }; 


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