Rails engine concerns autoload paths -

i have rails engine 'core', , have:

# core/app/models/core/concerns/user_helper.rb module core  module userhelper   extend activesupport::concern   included   # methods   end  end end  # core/app/models/core/user.rb module core  class user < activerecord::base   include core::userhelper  end end 

however says uninitialized constant core::userhelper. seems engine doesn't load concerns default, added in autoload paths

module core   class engine < ::rails::engine     config.autoload_paths += %w(#{core::engine.root}/app/models/core/concerns)     isolate_namespace core   end end 

and end error: unable autoload constant userhelper, expected myapp/core/app/models/core/concerns/user_helper.rb define it

so wrong here? when checked guide http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/engines.html , didn't have concerns in concerns directory, rather under lib/concerns , had reference concern using core::concerns::myconcern, put concerns in engine?



yury comment explained issue, seems in rails engines concerns directory don't special treatment, , treated normal directory under models, modules in must within concerns namespace, , when including concern, have include concerns namesapace well, if understand right. 'm surprised not mentioned in docs.

the concern must reside inside app/models|controllers/concerns/engine_name/concern_name.rb. autoload concern.

to include concern, include enginename::concernname.


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