objective c - How to remove duplicate files generated through cocoa pods in IOS -

i using cocoa pods integrate multiple third party files project.

i have integrate below pod project

xcodeproj 'myapp' workspace 'myapp'  source 'https://github.com/cocoapods/specs.git'  target :"myapp", :exclusive => true    platform :ios, '7.0'    pod 'afnetworking', '2.0.2'    pod 'twiliosdk', '~>1.2.2'    pod 'socketrocket', '0.3.1-beta2'    pod 'apprtc'  end 

when run pod install. duplicates shown below..

srwebsocket.h duplicates

when build app getting error

ld: warning: directory not found option '-l/users/anand/documents/   project/myapp_backups/myapp_june/myapp_webrtc/pods/build/debug-   iphoneos' duplicate symbol _md5_update in:     /users/anand/documents/project/myapp_backups/myapp_june/   myapp_webrtc/pods/apprtc/lib/libwebrtc.a(nss_static.md5.o)     /users/anand/documents/project/myapp_backups/myapp_june/   myapp_webrtc/pods/twiliosdk/libraries/libcrypto.a(md5_dgst.o) duplicate symbol _sha1_update in:  duplicate symbol _objc_ivar_$_srioconsumer._readtocurrentframe in:     /users/anand/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata/myapp-   gxdbyoohznnpigavdqmaeilzlavd/build/products/debug-iphoneos/libpods-   myapp-socketrocket.a(srwebsocket.o)     /users/anand/documents/project/myapp_backups/myapp_june/   myapp_webrtc/pods/apprtc/lib/libwebrtc.a(socketrocket.srwebsocket.o)  ld: 71 duplicate symbols architecture armv7 clang: error: linker command failed exit code 1 (use -v see invocation) 

i thought below solutions:

1) remove srwebsocket.h file -- may errors in pods.

2) remove pod 'socketrocket', '0.3.1-beta2' pod file , run pod install -- used both srwebsocket.h , srwebsocket.m in project before installing apprtc project..!

please suggest how can solve issue..

thanks in advance..!

i have fixed above issue below

at xcode project -- build settings -- other linker flags -- removed -all_load of duplicate errors gone.

still socket rocket duplicate warnings after above solution.

i fixed going pods project -- selected socket rocket pods target -- removed srwebsocket.m file compiling. works fine , duplicates removed.

thanks answers..


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