python - how to convert pytable to pandas dataframe -

i trying use shape function pandas test if dataframe has been chunked 500000 rows each. can't due dataframe pytable , when use shape gives me 'attributeerror: 'tableiterator' object has no attribute 'shape''.

is there anyway convert pytable pandas dataframe?

or there way check if iteration opened? want see if pytable pointing next object means there multiple chunks of 500000 rows returned.

the following code testing:

def test_get_dataframe(workspace): = workspace.get_df('testing_df',true) 

the get_df:

  def get_df, df_name, chunk_mode=false, chunksize=500000):     return self._proj.get_dbhdf5().get_df(self._id, df_name, chunk_mode=chunk_mode, chunksize=chunksize) 

when chunk mode true, return iterator chunks of dataframe


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