angularjs - Jasmine - unit testing a directive: Getting 'undefined' is not an object -

i taking baby steps in jasmine, please bear me blatant mistakes..i writing test cases check if controller method - transformdata gets called, details below

my directive

angular.module('mymodule') .directive('mydirective', [ function ()  {     'use strict';     return {         restrict: 'e',         templateurl: '/static/quality/scripts/directives/hh-star-rating.html',         scope: {             vara:'@',         },         controller: [             '$scope', '$controller',             function ($scope, $controller) {                 $controller('othercontroller', {$scope: $scope})                     .columns(                         $scope.x,                         $scope.y,                         $scope.series                     );                     $scope.transformdata =  function(data)                     {                         /// something;                          return data;                     };             }         ], 

my spec

describe('directive - hh-star-ratings', function() { 'use strict'; angular.module('mymodule', []) .directive('mycontainer', function() {     return {         restrict: 'e',         priority: 100000,         terminal: true,         template: '<div></div>',         controller: function($scope) {             $scope.loadingdata = true;             this.stoploading = function() {                 $scope.loadingdata = false;             };         }     } });  var result_set = {     //some data-transform-req };  beforeeach(module('mymodule'));  var element, scope, controller;    beforeeach(inject(function($rootscope, $compile) {        scope = $rootscope.$new();        element = angular.element(         '<my-container> <my-directive> </my-directive> </my-container>'     );      $compile(element)(scope);      scope.$digest();      controller = element.controller('mydirective');    }));  it('should call transformdata', function() {     controller.transformdata(result_set);     scope.$apply();     scope.transformdata.should.have.been.called; }); 


issue: when run test, following error

typeerror: 'undefined' not object (evaluating 'controller.transformdata')

what doing wrong? in advance time.

your define function transformdata in scope - not in controller

    controller: [         '$scope', '$controller',         function ($scope, $controller) {             $controller('othercontroller', {$scope: $scope})                 .columns(                     $scope.x,                     $scope.y,                     $scope.series                 );             this.transformdata =  function(data) // <= change (controller)             {                 /// something;                 return data;             };         }     ], 


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