xcode - Debugging a Quick Look plugin -

i'm new osx development. i'm writing app has own (cross-platform) custom xml-based file type.

i want write quick plugin things in finder, , have found tutorial on how supposed work, apparently must doing wrong since see in /var/log/system.log segfault when quick plugin ran. i'd see it's crashing, can't life of me figure out how that.

where osx store core dumps (if that)? need set system option or enable that?

how xcode @ these core dumps?

i'm lost.

as you've discovered, since quicklook plugin plug-in instead of standalone executable, need debug process hosts plugin. that, can hook qlmanage executable.

the first step make .qlgenerator plugin available quick server. that, need copy ~/library/quicklook , run qlmanage -r. first can implemented post-build action, second has specified in debug options.

for post-build action, should follow these steps:

  1. hit alt+cmd+r open run configuration window;
  2. unfold "build" tab on left , go post-actions;
  3. click plus @ bottom of window , select "new run script action", , use following code.
rm -rf "~/library/quicklook/$full_product_name" cp -r "$built_products_dir/$full_product_name" ~/library/quicklook qlmanage -r 

then, need configure xcode launch qlmanage:

  1. in same window, go "run" tab, , select "info";
  2. in executable drop-down menu, pick "other...";
  3. hit shift+cmd+g enter path, put in "/usr/bin/qlmanage", , select file;
  4. check "debug executable" if isn't already;
  5. move "arguments" tab, add "-p" argument, , add arguments see fit files need preview.

now, when use run action, you'll able debug plugin through qlmanage.


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