google analytics - Scheduling an Unsampled Report via the API -

i schedule few unsampled reports run monthly on first of month. each report need 1 unsampled report previous month, , previous year. using ga web interface, can schedule monthly report 6 months, don't see way schedule report include previous year's worth of data. other limitations have remember schedule report every 6 months, , can't see reports have been scheduled. of leads me conclusion have use api if want accomplish this.

so first off, according documentation, believe should able via "unsampled reports: insert" api method.

first off, correct assumption? insert trigger unsampled report immediate processing?

secondly, can configure report in api same way configure in web interface? example, reports set type flat table. not sure how specify in api or irrelevant when comes custom report?

thirdly, output end in google drive same if ran unsampled report via web interface?

i'd recommend reading developer overview of unsampled reporting methods of management api. it'll give sense of how process works.

to answer of specific questions:

first off, correct assumption? insert trigger unsampled report immediate processing?

the process isn't immediate, yes trigger new unsampled report processing.

secondly, can configure report in api same way configure in web interface? example, reports set type flat table.

no don't same report types, data back. can, however, configure same way you'd configure core reporting api request. play around how works, i'd check out query explorer.

thirdly, output end in google drive same if ran unsampled report via web interface?

yes, end result should same.


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