How to concatenate and output unicode text variables in Python -

my title terms might not correct , may reason why can't find simple thing websites.

i have list of string variables. how concatenate them , output real unicode sentence in python?

base = ['280', '281', '282', '283'] end = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'] unicodes = [u''.join(['\u', j, i]) j in base in end]  u in unicodes:     print u 

i strings '\u280f' not real character. if do:

print u'\u280f' 

correct symbols shows up, is: ⠏

and i'm sure there more elegant way range of symbols u2800 u283f...

conver strings integers (using int base 16), use unichr (chr if you're using python 3.x) convert number unicode object.

>>> int('280' + 'f', 16)  # => 0x280f, 16: hexadecimal 10255 >>> unichr(int('280' + 'f', 16))  # unicode object u'\u280f' >>> print unichr(int('280' + 'f', 16)) ⠏ 

base = ['280', '281', '282', '283'] end = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'] unicodes = [unichr(int(j + i, 16)) j in base in end]  u in unicodes:     print u 


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