Is it possible to deploy to a Nexus Repository using Maven 1? -

some of our projects still use maven 1. possible deploy artifacts nexus maven 1 repository using "maven:deploy" goal? not find properties set username , password.

we found work around sharing storage folder of nexus server , deploying directly folder using file protocol, not preferred solution.

if you're using maven 2 (not maven 3) can deploy artifacts in maven 1 format adding "legacy distributionmanagment

<distributionmanagement>     <repository>       <id>nexus</id>       <name>release repository</name>       <url>http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/repositories/maven1</url>       <layout>legacy</layout>     </repository>     ...   </distributionmanagement> 

this won't work maven 3, legacy layout support removed in version of maven.


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