My Plone product doesn't show up in the quickinstaller -

i have plone site traditional product baseproduct (versioned directly in products filesystem directory of zope installation); rest of setup buildout-based.

for fork of project, need product additionalproduct, made same way (i know it's not current state-of-the art method; that's how worked before me ...).

now was able install additionalproduct using quickinstaller (for contains single skin directory single template only, change, of course).

sadly, ceased work; product not shown in quickinstaller anymore. there no visible error; able pdb.set_trace() during instance startup, , there no error in error.log either.

the profiles.zcml file looks this:

<configure     xmlns=""     xmlns:genericsetup=""     i18n_domain="baseproduct">   <include package="products.genericsetup" file="meta.zcml" />   <genericsetup:registerprofile       name="default"       title="additionalproduct"       directory="profiles/default"       description="extension profile additionalproduct."       provides="products.genericsetup.interfaces.extension"       /> </configure> 

(copied , changed earlier additionalproduct of fork; don't understand "meta.zcml" part.)

how can debug this?

i'd willing "eggify" product (additionalproduct first, since has problem; perhaps baseproduct later well), i'm not sure amount of work, , how-to useful ...

your product should have configure.zcml file includes profiles.zcml following directive:

<include file="profiles.zcml" /> 

is case ?


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