ibm mobilefirst - Worklight 6.2 SSL configuration -

i'm trying configure ssl on local development machine adapters able connect bank-end service.

our back-end service team provided following information:

  1. ssl.keystore.path=conf/mobile.p12
  2. ssl.keystore.type=pkcs12
  3. ssl.keystore.password=passa
  4. ssl alias = alias
  5. ssl password = passa

they send use "mobile.p12" file.

i added configuration worklight.propeties:

#    worklight ssl keystore  ####################################################################################################################### ssl.keystore.path=conf/mobile.p12 #ssl certificate keystore type (jks or pkcs12) ssl.keystore.type=pkcs12 #ssl certificate keystore password. ssl.keystore.password= passa 

in adapter.xml added following:

<sslcertificatealias> alias </sslcertificatealias> <sslcertificatepassword> passa </sslcertificatepassword> 

when deploy project on local machine , try login in app through 1 of our adapters, i'm getting error:

[error   ] fwlse0152e: unable find certificate chain alias: 'alias' [project mobilebanking] 

i tried import certificate default.keystore inside server > config by:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mobile.p12 -destkeystore default.keystore -srcstoretype pkcs12 

the result :

import command completed:  0 entries imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled 

which indicated didn't work since 0 entries.

after running keytool command, error changed when click login in our application :

http request failed: peer not authenticated 

which indicated configuration wrong.

what missing?


based on type of certificate (un-signed, self-signed, ca-issued), make sure following instructions from: configuring worklight server



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