sql server - T-SQL string email format issue -

i trying build email , have run issue. when stored procedure runs, following error message.

msg 14624, level 16, state 1, procedure sp_send_dbmail, line 242
@ least 1 of following parameters must specified. "@body, @query, @file_attachments, @subject".

my code below adding each of requested items. have narrowed down breakdown happens. if pull out concatenation "+" works expected. have done before concatenation not sure different.

declare @respperiod varchar(20) declare @subjectline varchar(100) declare @contactemail varchar(100) declare @aaeapvsupplierid int declare @key varchar(50) declare @formattedurl varchar(100) declare @emailbody varchar(max)  declare curs cursor       select theid #temptbl  open curs  fetch next curs @theid  while @@fetch_status = 0 begin     select *      #temptbl      tblmaintbl      theid = @theid       declare @iscomplete bit = 1      if exists (select * #temptbl complete = 0)     begin         set @iscomplete = 0     end      if @iscomplete = 1     begin         set @subjectline = 'testing ' + @respperiod + ' testing.'         set @contactemail = (select salesemail #temptbl theid = @theid)         set @key = (select responsekey #temptbl theid = @theid)         set @formattedurl = 'http://www.something.com/something.aspx?rkey=' + @key         set @emailbody = '<html>dear blablabla' + @respperiod + ' ' +  @formattedurl + '">' + @formattedurl + '</a></html>'           exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail                      @profile_name = 'smtpprofile'                     ,@recipients = @contactemail                      ,@subject = @subjectline                     ,@body = @emailbody                     ,@body_format = 'html'     end      drop table #temptbl      fetch next curs @theid  end  close curs deallocate curs 

your code sample incomplete (you're lacking declaration of of variables used). hunch 1 or more of variable values (maybe @respperiod?) null, , when concatenations variable assignments used in sp_send_dbmail call, you're passing null.

remember, string + null = null

right before call sp_send_dbmail, insert these statements...

        print '--------------'         print '@subjectline =  ' + isnull(@subjectline, 'null')         print '@contactemail = ' + isnull(@contactemail, 'null')         print '@key = ' + isnull(@key, 'null')         print '@formattedurl = ' + isnull(@formattedurl, 'null')         print '@emailbody = ' + isnull(@emailbody, 'null')         print '--------------' 

it should become apparent if cause. if is, chase individual parts of whatever variables resolving null until find piece caused entire string null. if not, please provide more code can somewhere else.


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