Compile result for native C++ code mixed with managed code for .Net import -

i developing c++ wrapper c# project. little bit confused how end result compiled. have situation:

a solution 1 projects. project common language runtime support (/clr). native cpp files configured without common language runtime support (/clr) , no precompiled headers.

so questions are:

  1. why obligated have use no precompiled headers native cpp files?
  2. what end result, native code compiled machine code? or jit because use wrapper .net?

native header:

    #pragma once      #include <string>     using namespace std;      class person     {     private:      string _name;      public:       person(string name);       ~person();        string getname();     }; 

native cpp:

    #include "stdafx.h"     #include "person.h"       person::person(string name)     {         _name = name;     }       person::~person()     {     }      string person::getname()     {        return _name;     } 

c++ wrapper header

#pragma once  #include <msclr\marshal_cppstd.h>  #pragma unmanaged #include "person.h"   using namespace system; using namespace msclr::interop;  namespace wrapperlib{  public ref class personmanaged { private:     person *_person; public:     personmanaged(string ^name){         _person= new person(marshal_as<std::string>(name));     }     ~personmanaged()     {         delete _person;         _person = 0;     }      string ^getname(){         return gcnew string(_person->getname().c_str());     } }; } 


thank answer luaan! helped! dowloaded ilspy , opened mixed assembly. found native person class in there.

using system; using system.runtime.compilerservices; using system.runtime.interopservices; [nativecppclass, unsafevaluetype] [structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, size = 24)] internal struct person { } 

now like? there .net usings system system.runtime, there attribut nativecppclass?

you can have precompiled headers - problem managed precompiled headers not compatible native precompiled headers. msdn:

precompiled headers supported under /clr. however, if compile of cpp files /clr (compiling rest native) changes required because precompiled headers generated /clr not compatible generated without /clr. incompatibility due fact /clr generates , requires metadata. modules compiled /clr can therefore not use precompiled headers don't include metadata, , non /clr modules can't use precompiled header files contain meta data.

the article describes how around forcing 2 different precompiled headers, 1 or .net , 1 native. makes sense large projects, though.

as second question, depends. end result either native dll, or mixed managed/native assembly - in case, i'd bet on latter. i've used c++/cli .net wrappers of native types, though, might wrong. it's easy check, though - compile, , try using ilspy on resulting dll - if works, it's .net assembly, if doesn't, it's native dll.

if indeed case, yes, native code machine code, while managed parts il usual. see mixed assemblies further reference.


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