Is it possible to consume a web service in a c++ service application -

i trying consume web service in c++ service application using wsdl importer. can import web service want use of webmethods including service.h in file following error:

unit1.cpp(64): e2015 ambiguity between 'soap::wsdlbind::tservice' , 'vcl::svcmgr::tservice'

i imported web service vcl forms application , worked perfectly.

i using rad studio xe2. how fix this?

that means have name clash in code, i.e. have somewhere like

//header names should different, sake of example #include soap/wsdlbin/tservice.h #include vcl/svcmgr/tservice.h <some namespace using directives> ...  tservice service; 

and compiler cannot determine tservice is. have qualify tservice compiler know use, i.e.:

soap::wsdlbind::tservice service; //or vcl::svcmgr::tservice service; 


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